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Who is Responsible for Making Funeral Arrangements?

Who is Responsible for Making Funeral Arrangements?

A family representative is the most common person responsible for making end-of-life arrangements.  A person can designate a legal representative to fulfill the established plans.  This representative might be your spouse, child, friend, attorney.  Whoever you charge with this task, make certain that they understand your wishes. If no designee is determined prior to a death, the legal next of kin is responsible for decisions about final disposition.

When under stress, people can make poor decisions. Being educated and enlightened about your options will lead you to being empowered.

The Peaceful Decisions Advisors can offer guidance on helping you determine a suitable designee for your affairs.

advance directives, Baby boomers, Death planning, durable power of attorney, End-of-life planning, Estate planning, funeral arrangements, Funeral planning, hospice, Legacy planning, living will, palliative care

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