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A Death Has Occurred

A Death Has Occurred

When a death occurs, the emotional shock can impact your behavior. The following information is meant to offer guidance on what to do in a variety of situations.  If the funeral home is known, contact them as they will be a  resource for you.  The selected funeral home will coordinate with all involved parties to transport your loved one from the place of death to their facility.

Death in a medical facility
The majority of deaths occur in a medical facility (hospital, nursing home, hospice). At the time, the staff will need to know the family’s selected funeral home; you will either be directed to contact the funeral home or the staff will call them on your behalf.  The funeral director should speak to a family member to obtain permission to transport the deceased to their facility.

Death at home
If a patient dies at home and is under hospice care, the first step is to contact the hospice team to inform them of the death.  The hospice staff will initiate the process to pronounce the death and make arrangements with your selected funeral home to take your loved one into their care.

When a patient dies at home (not under the care of hospice), first call 911 for assistance.  The dispatcher will send first responders to provide guidance during this acute situation.

There are times when the Medical Examiner or Coroner may be alerted to the death. In most cases, the ME/Coroner will communicate with the family and update the selected funeral home when the examination is completed.

advance directives, Baby boomers, death, Death planning, durable power of attorney, End-of-life planning, Estate planning, Funeral planning, hospice, Legacy planning, living will, palliative care