Final Disposition
The final disposition is a decision that may be made prior to death. The most common options include, earth burial, entombment, or cremation. The following information is offered as a primer about final disposition options.
Earth Burial
A cemetery is considered a sacred space for many people. It is a place to honor and remember their loved ones.
Peaceful Decision Advisors can offer guidance about burial options.
Natural Burial
A Natural or Green Burial site is one that does not allow embalming, outer burial containers, or monuments. Interest in this type of final disposition is growing.
The Peaceful Decision Advisors are available to help you with your questions.
A mausoleum is a building constructed to entomb the deceased. This building can house many deceased or it can be built for a single person or family.
The Peaceful Decisions Advisors are available to help you decide when an entombment is an option for you.
More than half of Americans choose cremation as their final disposition choice. It is important to know that you can have a funeral service with the deceased present prior to the cremation. If you prefer to have a memorial service, the remains can be present at the service. What to do with the remains after the service? There are so many options to honor the deceased cremated remains.
Your Peaceful Decision Advisors can help guide you to the best decision for you and your family about cremation.
Alternative Disposition Options
The Peaceful Decisions Advisors are available to answer your questions about alternative types of dispositions.
advance directives, Baby boomers, Death planning, durable power of attorney, End-of-life planning, Estate planning, final disposition, Funeral planning, hospice, Legacy planning, living will, palliative care