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FUNERAL PLANNING 101: The Arrangement Conference

FUNERAL PLANNING 101: The Arrangement Conference

The Funeral Arrangement Conference

The Arrangement Conference is the time that you meet with the funeral provider to; plan, schedule and finalize decisions about the type of service, disposition, funeral products, sharing the news of the death, preparing the death certificate, and establish payment for service and products selected.

The Peaceful Decisions Advisors understand that this task is daunting and we are here to help you.  Working one-on-one with an advisor or joining a class, the Peaceful Decisions team wants you to be educated about the funeral planning process before you need it.

Below are ideas and questions that are an important part of the arrangement conference.

  • Scheduling the service’s date and time 
  • Creating the service
  • Who will participate at the service
  • A eulogy
  • The obituary or death notice
  • Merchandise to purchase
  • Business contract with the funeral provider and payment options

Peaceful Decision’s mission is to help educate and enlighten you to be empowered and prepared for this inevitable event.

advance directives, arrangement conference, Baby boomers, Death planning, durable power of attorney, End-of-life planning, Estate planning, Funeral planning, hospice, Legacy planning, living will, palliative care