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Tag: embalming

Embalming – Is it Necessary?

What is it?
In today’s society, embalming can be easily defined as a chemical process that temporarily preserves human remains.

Is it the law?
Per the Federal Trade Commission Funeral Rule: Routine embalming on every death is not required. The time between death and burial or cremation can require embalming or refrigeration of the deceased. If a direct cremation or immediate burial is selected, then embalming is not required. Funeral homes may have a policy that embalming is required if a public viewing is scheduled. It is important to check with your state’s laws for confirmation.  Link to state resources. 

Permission to embalm is required in most states. The funeral professional should ask the family to authorize the embalming either verbally or in writing prior to the embalming process.

What are the costs involved?
The care of the deceased is an important task performed by the funeral professional. Care can range from cleansing, embalming, dressing, applying cosmetics. The fees for these tasks must be listed on the funeral home’s General Price List.

Below is a link to the Federal Trade Commission’s Funeral Rule

The Peaceful Decision Advisors will provide guidance on the care of the deceased based on your individual needs.

advance directives, Baby boomers, Death planning, durable power of attorney, embalming, End-of-life planning, Estate planning, Funeral planning, hospice, Legacy planning, living will, palliative care